Super Bowl, Super Tuesday, Super YOU...

Why push? Why change? Why grow? Why dream?
Questions you don't have to ask yourself when you never say it can't be done -- when you never say never.
-GMC Yukon commercial aired during Super Bowl

Why dream? This is a question you don't have to ask yourself when you never say never.

How true.

On first blush, this inspiring thought would seem odd coming from a 60 second commercial. But this is not just any commercial. This is a commercial aired during the most recent super bowl. And the super bowl is the super game of American sports. Consequently, the advertising during the game is the best the market has to offer.

So an SUV ad touting new environmentally friendly techonolgy advances that also encourages people to dream big makes sense.

Never say never.

This is a thought worth repeating and holding onto in life.

Never say never.

The New York Giants football team believe it and beat the unbeatable New England Patriots

Never say never.

Democrat and Republican presidential hopefuls are hanging onto it as they go into Super Tuesday.

Never say never.

One of the presidential candidates will carry it all the way to the White House in November.

Never say never.

You can believe it too.

Never say never.

Whatever your dream is today, believe you can make that dream real.

Never say never.

If you want the kind of love that lasts forever, start giving it.

If you want a legacy that lasts for generations, start creating it.

If you want new experiences that seem bigger than life, start having them.

Whatever you really want is yours for the taking.

No matter what is happening right this very minute, you can have your dream.

So dream big.

Believe it can be done.

And take a step forward today.


Never say never.

p.s. you can see all of the last Super Bowl's commercials here at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I liked the way you saw the connection between never say never and the Yukon.

The idea and thought provi=oked by the spot helped me realize all things are possible, including the comeback of the American auto indusstry and Detroit. It won't look or be the same, but it will come back.