Your book of lists...

Lake Michigan is under consideration to be one of the new seven wonders of the world.


People love to make lists.

Some make lists in their day to day work life...

Journalists keep a running list stories. Lawyers keep track of client cases to work on in 15 minute intervals. Dentists list patients appointments. Teachers keep a list grades.

Some make lists to change the world...

Bernard Weber is a Swiss born Canadian filmmaker and entrepreneur. He has started a global poll to list the seven new natural wonders of the world. This effort follows a global poll choosing the seven newest man made wonders. That project ended this past summer. Now Weber is asking people to vote via the Internet on seven new natural wonders at

So far, the list includes places such as Mt. Everest, Mt. Sinai, the Cliffs of Moher and Lake Michigan.

Lake Michigan?

Yes, Lake Michigan is included as a natural wonder of the world contender.

Other people make lists to change their lives...

There is a new movie out called The Bucket List. Actors Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson portray men living out their list of things to do before they die. They include the everyman fantasies of skydiving, racing cars and visiting far flung places. And their lists include a more sublime range of feelings to experience.

So whether the list is of the daily grind, the sights to see or the way to live, we all have lists.

What's on your list?

Is it the grind of day to day living or the grandeur of life? Is it pork chops and butter or people to love and experiences to savor?

Is it all about getting busy living or getting busy dying?

Think about it for a moment.

Create a list of personal wonders to see. Jot down a couple of once in a lifetime, must have experiences. Decide where to go. Choose what to do and when to do it.

There is still time...

to make a list...

to live a new dream...

to make life's lists a book of wonders.

So go ahead, make a list today.

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