The shark and the fish...

"The message is clear — nothing can happen without dialogue. Even if the other side is extremely difficult, we'll find a way to bridge the gaps."
- Mazal Gabai, 5th grade teacher, as quoted in A.P. story 1/14/08

Nothing can happen without dialogue...we can find a way to bridge the gap.

So true.

This thought is expressed by Mazal Gabai. While doing spring cleaning, Gabai came across a story written by one of her former 5th grade students. The story was titled When the shark and the fish first met by then 11 year-old Gilad Schalit.

The story is a parable about how two enemies -- a shark and a fish -- find a way to get along and become friends.

As you might expect, the fish did the convincing and the shark listened.

What happened next is remarkable.

After being tucked away for 11 years, Gabai took the story and is using it to rally support for her one time student while sending a message of peace to the world.

Schalit, now 21 years-old, is a tank crewman in the Israeli army. In June 2006 he was reportedly captured and is being held hostage by Hamas.

Reporters for the Associated Press captured this remarkable situation in a story this week.

Now, leaders on both sides continue to hammer out their terms for Schalit's release. Exactly who is the shark and who is the fish in this situation doesn't really matter. As long as they continue to dialogue, they can find a way to bridge the gap.

And to help, they have a lesson from a 5th grader and his teacher to keep them moving forward.

So do we.

When faced with a tough situation caused by a difficult person, keep talking. Shark or fish, you can find a way to bridge the gap.

Now is the time to reach out and turn an enemy into a friend.


p.s. you can find the A.P. story here... and more about Schalit's book here...

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