Do good by being a bad penny...

one week to Christmas.

Time to be a bad penny.

Oh, you've probably heard the phrase, "he/she keeps showing up like a bad penny."

And you probably chuckle every time you hear it or say it. Here's something to consider: being a bad penny is not a bad thing.

It's not a bad thing at all.

"He keeps showing up like a bad penny," simply says "I see you. You have pricked my conscience at an unexpected time."

That is certainly true for one Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping.

He's not a reverend. And the church is not an actual church. Reverend Billy is a character in the movie What Would Jesus Buy? The movie is a documentary by producer Morgan Spurlock (of the famed Super Size Me) that urges people to stop shopping so much at Christmas.

Stop shopping at Christmas?

Some might think that message is a bit odd. But Spurlock reportedly says he wants the film to encourage people to give real gifts at Christmas.

He wants people to give more gifts like love and compassion.

That's a powerful and appropriate message around this time of year when consumerism is shifted to overdrive. Consequently, the mock evangelist keeps showing up in news clips around the world.

Here and there Rev. Billy is on television nipping at the heels of retail giants.

Here and there he is in the newspapers pricking at the conscience of shoppers.

He keeps showing up over and over...

Like a bad penny with the same message.

Shop less. Love more.

That is a gift worth hearing and seeing over and over again.

Love more.

Is it one you are ready to give?

There is one week left before Christmas.

That's plenty of time to keep showing up...

like a bad penny...

and giving the greatest gift of all.

So go ahead.

Do some good.

Start being a bad penny today.

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