21 days to a new Samatha YOU...

This is a lifeboat.

Get in it.

Those who work anywhere in journalism, politics or the legal field may find this particularly difficult. The same thing may be true for public school teachers, social workers, cops and other people who work in fields that bring them in contact with life's miseries from time to time.


Because for the next 21 days, your lifeboat, should you choose to get in it, is to not voice one complaint, utter one criticism or engage in one conversation involving gossip.

And to remind you of your task, you can wear something (bracelet, rubber band or whatever) on one wrist and switch it to the other any time you slip into a complaint, criticism or gossipy conversation -- even a little one.

Get in this lifeboat and watch how your life unfolds.

Welcome to your own personal version of ABC's hilarious new comedy Samantha Who?

The premise of the show is as funny as it is serious. Actress Christina Applegate plays the role of a successful, smart, NY executive at the top of her game who is stricken with amnesia. She can still work her job. She can function normally. But there is one big exception. Samantha can't remember the person she grew up to be but is often faced with people who do. And what they remember is the old Samantha and not the new Sam they see before them.

The show is not just funny because of the comedy. The show is funny because it often speaks truths about real life.

One truth?

Life is much better free of complaints, criticisms and gossip.

That's a truth most people know intuitively but find it hard to practise in reality.


Some think their profession demands criticism, gossip and complaints.

It doesn't.

Sometimes people just confuse anger with advocate, gossip with news, and criticism with analysis. They are not one in the same.

Still others who help people navigate life's miseries -- poverty, sickness, etc... -- may see their job as a moral justification for voicing criticisms or complaints.

It's not.

The red badge of courage is for healing not hurting oneself or others.

Still others may think they already are free of complaining, gossiping and criticising already.

Their not.

They probably just aren't aware of just how much they are doing it.

Whatever category you may fall in, now is your chance.

Get in the lifeboat.

Take the 21 day challenge.

And enjoy the ride to a new Samantha YOU.

p.s. If you want more information or help getting started, check out Wil Bowen at http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/

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