Dare at summer's end...

"I pray that the life of this spring and summer may lie fair in my memory. May I dare as I have never done! May I persevere as I have never done!"
- Henry David Thoreau, May 15, 1852

Pray that this summer lies fair in memory. Dare as one has never dared. Persevere as one has never persevered.

This inspiring thought originated more than 100 years ago by Henry David Thoreau. He wrote it at the start of his summer as a way to urge himself to break the bonds of his daily routine.

Summer's end approaches. Will it lie fair in memory?

May I dare as never done...

Twenty people from South Salem, Oregon dared to build houses in El Salvador this summer. Along with laying foundations as part of Habitat for Humanity, the group cared for the sick and helped the poor.

May I persevere as never before...

This summer, devoted father Walter Marino jumped into the ocean to save his autistic son from a strong current. The pair were swept out to sea off the coast of Daytona, Florida but managed to stay afloat for 14 hours until rescued.

May I dare as never done...

Teenager Corey Warburton jumped from a bridge to save an elderly woman from drowning in Coffs Habor, Australia. On the shore, fellow teen Michael Bethune, rushes into the river to successfully help the pair back to land. Bethune has cystic fibrosis.

From Oregon to Australia, people are daring as never before and persevering through incredible circumstances.

For them, summer will lie in fair memory.

It can be the same for us as well.

There is still time to dare as never before...

Right now there is a friend, a relative, a stranger waiting for us to dare. Right now, there is an adventure to be discovered, a hand to be held, a care to be given.

Answer the call.

Reach out.

Make a positive difference in someone's life today.

Summer's end approaches.

Make it a good memory for years to come.

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