St. Patrick, Halle Berry and your new beginning...

Today is your day.

The signs are everywhere as m
illions of people around the world break out the cheer for St. Patrick's Day. Halle Berry has her first child at age 41. Winter gives way to spring.

This is a time for new beginnings, another chance, a breakthrough moment.

Whether it's Detroit, Dublin or Danang, millions of people are breaking out the smiles to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The day is actually a religious holiday (sans drinking) and Patrick was actually a real person.

St. Patrick lived in the fourth century. He was kidnapped as a teenager from his parents home and held for six years. Patrick turned to Christianity in captivity. He escaped, walked 200 miles and eventually returned to Ireland as a missionary.

His is a fascinating story. Of course legend is larger than life and St. Patrick did not rid the land of snakes (Ireland has never had snakes). He did however achieve vast fame for spreading the gospel by incorporating many of the pagan traditions into his worship. March 17th, the anniversary of his death, marks the day that celebrates his life as a missionary.

Thus, Christians can argue St. Patrick's Day is a day of forgiveness and new beginnings. Black or white, Irish or Indian, the mission of spreading the gospel urging people to love, start new and forgive was limited to no particular race. Hence, the celebration of the missionary St. Patrick as a lucky day is a lucky day for all.

This is a time for new beginnings, another chance, a breakthrough moment.

Halle Berry has her new beginning with the birth of her baby girl March 16. The road has had its challenges. Pregnant at 41, divorced and diabetic, the Oscar winning Halle Berry overcame those challenges to achieve her latest dream -- to be a mother.

This is a time for new beginnings, another chance, a breakthrough moment.

The first day of spring is March 20. At 1:48 p.m. eastern standard time on March 20th, the sun will be directly over the equator. And for a moment, day and night will be about equal all over the world. Afterward, because the earth tilts on an axis of 23.4 degrees, the days will get longer north of the equator and shorter south of the equator. Without the tilt, the sun would shine the same way all the time and there would be no changing of the seasons.

But that's not the case. The sun will shine longer. The season will change.

This is a time for new beginnings, another chance, a breakthrough moment.

This is your time.

This is your new beginning.

This is your chance for a breakthrough moment.

The signs are all around.

Today is your day.

Claim it!

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