Get in vogue...

"Look for any way you can to be kind to the person you share
your life with. Don't focus on failings, but good intentions."
- Fred Luskin, Stanford U Prof. as quoted in the San Jose Mercury News

New York Republican Congressman Tom Reynolds forgives GOP rival John McCain. He urges others who may have ran afoul of McCain's temper to do the same.

Olympic sprinter Francis Obikwelu forgives Dwain Chambers after Chambers cheats to win. Obikwelu asks race officials in the UK to do the same.

Jamacian mother June Campbell forgives a local police detective after he confesses to framing her son for a murder he did not committ. She urges others to do the same with people in their lives.

Forgiveness is in vogue.

Now Stanford University Professor Fred Luskin wants people to learn how to forgive. So much so, that he has established the Stanford Forgiveness Project, written several books on how to forgive and has let go of his own anger.

Luskin knows about forgiveness. As a graduate student, he found himself on the wrong end of being dumped by his best friend. Angry and confused, Luskin found a way to channel his disappointment into a movement to help others.

The results of his efforts have helped people from San Francisco to victims of violence in Northern Ireland lead happier, healthier lives.

Dr. Luskin's efforts reveal one truth -- forgiving is a learned skill. He offers several ways for people to learn how to do it. Chief among his stratiges are 9 Steps to forgiveness which can be found here:

So let go of anger.

Reject revenge.

And embrace a better future.

Now is the time to forgive.

Get in vogue, forgive someone today.

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